Monday, January 01, 2007

Where Are They Now?

Jerusalem Post has an article about assassination plots to be carried out in Australia in 1975:

According to intelligence documents released on Sunday, terrorists planned to kill pro-Israel politician Bob Hawke (who was to become prime minister in 1983), then Israeli ambassador Michael Elizur, [businessman, community leader and JPost contributor Isi] Leibler and journalist Sam Lipski.

Buried deep in the middle of the article is an interesting piece of information:

The details were in a secret ASIO report that had been presented to the cabinet of prime minister Malcolm Fraser. The report described the terrorist threat to Australia at a time when Palestinian groups were hijacking aircraft and carrying out attacks aimed at Jewish institutions in Europe and the Middle East.

ASIO identified a key figure in the plan as Munif Mohammed (Ahmed) Abu Rish, who came to Australia in 1974 claiming to be a journalist and indicated he would return in 1975 to plan the ambassador's assassination. The terrorists were reportedly given fake passports by Palestinians living in Australia.

So what happened to the Palestinians living in Australia who aided and abetted Abu Rish?

UPDATE: ABC News Online covers this incident here. But doesn't dig deep enough about the co-conspirators.

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